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1918 Erfurt Luger Serial Numbers

This is a 1918 dated Imperial Luger manufactured by the Royal Arsenal at Erfurt. The 1918 Chamber date is the last year of production by Erfurt as the war ended. This is a 9mm Parabellum with a 100mm barrel. Just like it came from the battlefield of WWI. Our shop has a Luger stamped 1918 on the slide ahead of the ejection port. Serial number '150' with '50' stamped many of the parts. Has 4 proof marks on the right side of the slide, 3 have a crown above a S shaped thing and the 4th is hard to ID. 1918 ERFURT LUGER PISTOL Matching serial numbers including Erfurt wood bottom magazine. Model: P08 Caliber / Gauge: 9mm Barrel Length: 4' Serial Number: 435 Provenance: Firearm Collection of Richard E. Wagner (September 5th, 1931 - February 9th, 2017). Luger Toggle Marks; DWM Production 1900-1922: DWM Production - 1908 Bulgarian model 1908-1910: Erfurt Production 1908-1918: Vickers LTD Production 1915-1917. 1918 Erfurt Luger Description: ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! 9mm Erfurt low serial numbered #103, WW1 German Luger. Lots of these were destroyed after WW1. All numbers match. The mag is marked erma made in Germany. The barrel and bore are absolutely flawless! This Luger looks like it came out the factory last week.



Just before the turn of the 20th century, Georg Luger re-designed Borchardt semi-automatic pistol so that its mainspring was housed in rear of grip. Resulting pistol was to prove extremely successful and his name has become synonymous with the pistol despite the fact his name never appeared on it.&break;&break;These companies manufactured Luger pattern pistols at various times.&break;&break;1. DWM - Deutsch Waffen und Munitions - Karlsruhe, Germany&break;2. The Royal Arsenal of Erfurt Germany&break;3. Simson & Company - Suhl, Germany&break;4. Mauser - Oberndorf, Germany&break;5. Vickers Ltd. - England&break;6. Waffenfabrik Bern - Bern, Switzerland&break;7. Heinrich Krieghoff - Suhl, Germany

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1918 Dated Erfurt Luger

Genuine German Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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NOTE: Photographs taken today with the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see with the human eye. Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and natural surface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinary handling of the weapon. Photographs are copyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction or display of gun pictures without the express consent of the Phoenix Investment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.

Emu360x v1 0 download. The barrel length is 4' (100mm) and is chambered for 9mm. The frame, locking bolt, trigger, safety bar, and hold open along with the barrel, receiver, toggle links, side plates are all matching serial numbers. The extractor is marked 'Geladen' on the left side and the safety is marked 'Gesichert' with the safe position being downward.

The unit markings indicate this weapon was assigned to the 179 Infantry Regiment (Infanterie-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm König von Preßuen (14. Königlich Sächsisches) Nr. 179
The 1918 Erfurt Imperial Acceptance stamp with the cross of peace and the bar of justice is found on the right frame and right barrel.

Here is the close up the right side with the the Inspector's proofs and the Erfurt Military Acceptance proof on the receiver and on the barrel. Inspection proofs are visible all over the individual parts of the gun. These include the Imperial Army acceptance proof on the barrel and the side frame plus the inspectors stamps on all small parts.

This 1918 Luger is characterized by the 9mm 4' (100mm) barrel however it appears from the front of the frame it was at one time destined to be an artillery model as the cut in the front of the frame was for the leaf sight. Erfurt started this practice in 1914 when they produced the artillery (150mm barrel) model and simply made all the frames the same. This model of the Luger was produced from 1914 until 1918 for the German Military. The extractor is marked 'Geladen' (loaded) and the thumb safety is marked 'Gesichert' (safe).

https://downloadover.mystrikingly.com/blog/slot-machine-tournaments-las-vegas. The Erfurt's are the most proofed models of Parabellums. There are inspector marks all over the weapon in a variety of crowed stamps. This weapon has the stock lug and clean walnut grips.

The rear sight is 'V' cut fixed and front dovetailed sight and the frame has the stock lug and hold open device.

Proof marks are well struck and clearly visible. If you have Sam Costanzo's World of Lugers Proof Marks you can spend days looking up all the proofs this gun has. Every Luger can tell you a story if you're willing to explore and learn from it.


Everyone needs one Erfurt in their collection just to study proof marks. This is a basic collectors gun that has all the study proofs you could ask for. Webvideohunter pro 6 0 8 0 apk. This weapon is designated as a Curios and Relic (C&R) and be sent to those licensed persons.

It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder.

This is an excellent example of the all-matching dated 1918 Erfurt with all the basic proofs for an old collection. The last year for the Royal Arsenal at Erfurt before the Armistace. If you are collecting the dated Erfurts in excellent condition then you know how hard it is to find one like this 1918 dated. A jewel. Questions to: josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com.

This Parabellum is offered for $3,295.00 over-the-counter with the reservation that the gun may be sold before being posted as such on the internet. We reserve the right to sell any internet offering to a direct sale and do not warrant the availability of any firearm that do not have a cash deposit. This gun may be withdrawn without notice for in-store sale. Call for availability. Any questions or request for additional pictures email to josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com.

LAYAWAYS: Sometimes our 'significant other' doesn't understand the beauty, craftsmanship and investment potential of one of these investor grade weapons. In these circumstances where discretion becomes the better part of valor we will accept layaways of up to one year with at least 20% down and some activity occurring monthly to insure that after one year the sale is completed. Cancellations of layaways forfeit 33% if done within two months, otherwise 100%. You can transfer a layaway to a consignment sale at any time. See 'Legal' for exact terms.

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Elite dangerous anti aliasing. We honor a three day return policy. We will answer any questions, send you any pictures, as detailed as you want, to insure that what we are showing you is what you want to see, before you buy it. See Legal.


WARNING: We do not represent these guns as safe to fire. They are not test fired before sale; they are sold as collectibles only. Prior to firing you should have it inspected by a qualified individual and abide by all safety requirements.

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1918 Erfurt Luger Serial Numbers

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1918 Erfurt Luger Serial Numbers
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